April 25, 2009

Damn, Summer Is Here

I'm sitting in our backyard and waiting for food and blogging. It's so warm I can't believe it. Hehe, I'm so happy. ^__^ The sky's blue, no clouds at all! Hey Swedish people, tell me some nice shops I should visit in Sweden. I do know the Topshops, Monkis and American Apparels, but are there any shops in Stockholm I should go to? Other than those, I mean. Heheeeeeee. The Ting Tings are coming to Provinssirock! It's going to be perfect. Last year me and Julia were driving to our cottage from Provinssirock and listened to Ting Tings and thought that "Only thing that's missing from this festival is The Ting Tings!" And now they're here! Amazing X]

Now I'll eat! Bye. x


carocream said...

enjoy your meal, the ting tings are amazing รถ

carocream said...

thank you , it's from h&m :]