I think I write too much here. And I find it kinda amusing because everyone always apologizes about not writing and I write too much. :D I could hand some of my mighty writing powers to someone who needs them. Let me know.
I don't really know why I'm writing here now! I just am here because I'm bored. I cut my hair today ... A bit, from the front, bangs. I just got bored. Atm, I'm alone in home, because my bro and my parents are downhill skiing in Sappee. And this is fun! I'm just running around in high heels listening to music! Sounds good, eh?
Winter holidays are coming to their end. :[ Sad. And I must say, this has been the worst holiday since ... ever! Really, the worst. I haven't seen any of my friends, I have been home, alone, on the computer. Shit! Am I really this pathetic? I could do something about this, but I don't. I just say: "Whatever" and open the computer. But I hope that next week is gonna bring me back to reality and I'll see some friends. I must.

PS. Listen to Imatran Voima. It's too good to be true.
♥: Jassie
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