February 19, 2009

My Heart Rate Rapid

You know what, I think that yesterday's RAZZMATAZZ (can you imagine, that's the word the dictionary gave to me!) was just start for today's fever. Yeah. I'm sick! Shit. The winter holidays are just starting and I'm sick! But well, I hope this is gonna end fastly, and then I'll be healthy again.

I have a major lack on the money side ... I need money! Or well, no I don't, but yes I do! I wanna buy a new bag. I found one lovely from DKNY, but it's more like a summerbag, but I love it! And well, it costs 199 €. If they have those bags in the summer when I have had my salary from the summerjobs I (maybe) get in, I'll go buy it. And then, I'd love to have those leather bags from Longchamp. But in the internet, they didn't have that kind of what I want! So ... I don't know. AND! Why there can't be the shop Urban Outfitters in Finland too? They have so amazing clothes. In London I visited one Urban Outfitters store and fell in love with everything I saw ... They were so pricy though, so I got only one pair of shoes. And I assure you, I have used them to the end. And I have desperately tried to fix them, but they just are falling apart all the time. :( Someday I'll take them to a cobbler (is that the right word for the umm ... shoemaker?) and he/she'll wake them alive!

I wanna have candy.

♥: Jassie

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