February 12, 2009

I Should Have Been After You

A song by Rooney. So good.

I have fallen in love today! With Roberto Bernardi. Maybe you'll understand if you check that site and the link 'paintings' at the bottom. Or just look at these paintings, yes, PAINTINGS! I can't believe it myself either. (Click to see them bit bigger)




Amazing, innit?

Today's english test went well! I think ...

And the whole day was good. I'm a bit unsure about tomorrow, though. I don't know if I want to go to movies or not.

Today I also put some chinese newspaper on my wall. :] I'd need a bit more so my wall would be perfect, but where the fuck am I going to get chinese newspaper?

Ugh, if you have some, come here and give it to me. Thankies.

:D This post had very, very much importance in it.

♥: Jassie

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