Paris Is Burning by Ladyhawke! So good.
So today. Is it really friday? I feel like saturday ... I can't believe I was in school today. Was I? Yes ... I guess so. I don't feel like it at all! :D Oh my god, hhahah. Well, after school I came home, got changed and jumped to a bus. Then I changed the bus at Kangasala centre and took Julia with me. From there the bus took us to Tampere! Wehee. So we were there for about two hours (I think), met some Julia's friends and all. Then we got bored and Julia got an idea! We rented a movie! Wohoo. We took a horror movie called An American Haunting and it was scary! And weird. At first I didn't get it but then when we analyzed it with Julia it all cleared up! And suddenly it was pretty good. But still, scary. All horror movies are. But I must say, The Orphanage was better than this. Or well, more scary (which means, better).

I was scared already when I looked at that cover. Hahah, isn't it scary? I think it is. But luckily I had bought candy for 5 euros, so I had something that I could trust 100% at the middle of that horror and awful-ness. :D Mmm, I love candy. I promised to myself on monday that I wouldn't eat anything that makes me superfat, because I'm going to a spa sunday (oh fuck). So now I have a big belly and I can't go there. But I have to. So, this sucks big time. :[ Damnit.
Tomorrow we go to Tracon (it's a some kinda japan event here hahah, I don't know how to explain it in english)! Hahah, we are so gonna die there. But I hope we manage.
This post had very much interesting stuff in it. Hope you enjoyed! Ahah.
♥: Jassie
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