I'd like to say some words to some people ... I just don't have the guts! I'd like to say everything I have in my head. I have already planned something to say but I know I will never have the guts! Some people just know how to be irritating. And some people just know how to be sweet ... Damn, and I know how to be shy. And I hate it. In a way, it is me and I have learned to live with it, but in a way I hate it. I can't talk to any new people because I can't get a fucking word out of my mouth! I'd love to speak to some people of our school, we have the same interests and all, but my shyness get's in the way. But then, I wouldn't really wanna be that irritating, flirting, ugly girl either. I'll just be me. And wait for people to come and talk to me and really have interest in me so they can wait that I won't be shy anymore! Wohoo! ... Great.
By the way! I have found a new toy. It's so fantastic! And I'm sure you all knew it already (didn't you?) and all, but I got to know it only a few days ago! It's so genius. Poladroid! It is so great! I have made almost all of my pictures I have on this computer to polaroids! So much fun! Actually this new layout, the banner is made with Poladroid! Or well the pictures are, of course I put them together myself and yeah ... :D And the pictures are from England! I took them myself! Great, eh? I wanna put here some pictures too (that I have taken, from England) because I have noticed that I have pictures almost in every post, soooo why not have a couple here too! Hehe.

Ah, how I love England. The culture, the people, the cities! All! If I won't move there someday in my life I will live in eternal despair. :D Yes I will! But I am so sure that someday I will live there. I will.
♥: Jassie
the pics are really cool :D I've wanted to go to England for a really long time and there's a chance i'm going there this summer. But it's not sure yet.
Thanks! Oh, wonderful! I'd love to go there again sooon ...
OooOOoo cool pictures
and youre cool too my dear friend haha
hahahaa thank you papi! :DD
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