February 16, 2009

The Clothes

I just need to come here and show them to you ...
I think nobody's that interested, but since I'm so fucking bored I'll show them!

There's a cardigan and a shirt (as you can maybe see)! That cardigan is very, very soft, I love it and the shirt has so nice colours. I'm inviting summer in da house!

Shorts! They are a bit big so I'll do some sewing tonight! Anyways, three words: Love, love, love.

All You Need Is Love! And it has The Beatles logo on the back. This shirt has it all. :-D

My feathers! I love it. But I don't know can I use it in school ... I have lack of self-confidence ... :-D But fuck it, fuck them, I have my feathers and I'm gonna use them! Woo.

YES I HATE THE PICTURES TOO! I HATE TO USE FLASH. Hate it, hate it, hate it. We just have to bear the shitty-ness of them. Hah.

Now I'll really read maths.

Just kidding.

♥: Jassie


Anonymous said...

THAT T-SHIRT IS SOOO COOL =D where did u order these?

Anonymous said...

oh wait... it's not a t-shirt? :----D i dunno, i'm blind. well it's cool anyway.

jassie said...

oh comments! thank you thank you :-D
i ordered from Forever 21, http://www.forever21.com/default.asp !