February 16, 2009



My clothes are coming today ... Mmm, my babies. ♥ Though I have to wait for the UK shirt a bit longer ... 'Cause I ordered it yesterday, and it comes from Bangkok!

I ate all my crisps, would someone like to bring me some more? Thanks. :] Gosh, I'm so bored. If you have any nice activities in your mind, TELL THEM! COMMENT! SEND E-MAIL! FAX! SEND A LETTER! Whatever! I just need something to do ... If you know some nice sites here in internet that I don't know yet (check the 'you can find me also from' part), share them! Yay!

What was the point of this post? To tell you I'm bored? Yah, that's it.

I could use this time to something useful like for example I could: read maths. We have a test tomorrow! Okay, I'll read.

♥: Jassie

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