AND GUESS WHAT! I'm sixteen now, wohoo! Sweet sixteen. I don't really feel any different. Except for now I have some new lovely Andy Warhol mugs and a bowl!

Just click the picture to see it bigger.
Got them from my parents! Damn, they're fine. I haven't even asked them to buy these! Amazing how they know what I like. :] Love my Andy Warhols. ♥
And I bought new sunglasses too! They are so lovely. And I have been planning a dress and the colors of the dress would fit perfectly with the sunglasses! Happy, happy, happy!

Ignore my face. ew ...
My friend Marri, from Vaasa, comes to Tampere the next weekend (not this one, but the weekend after). I miss her so much. ♥ My other friend Maria was supposed to come too, but I guess she's not coming. But! She comes here the weekend after Marri has been here! I guess. ;D I miss her so much too, we haven't seen in ages. ♥
Today was a funny day in school. I laughed very much. Funny friends I have here.
And I bought new sunglasses too! They are so lovely. And I have been planning a dress and the colors of the dress would fit perfectly with the sunglasses! Happy, happy, happy!

Ignore my face. ew ...
My friend Marri, from Vaasa, comes to Tampere the next weekend (not this one, but the weekend after). I miss her so much. ♥ My other friend Maria was supposed to come too, but I guess she's not coming. But! She comes here the weekend after Marri has been here! I guess. ;D I miss her so much too, we haven't seen in ages. ♥
Today was a funny day in school. I laughed very much. Funny friends I have here.
How it is possible that you have studied germany 5 years...... i'm as old as you but we start to study germany like in 7 or 8th grade, and i live in finland too if you were wondering
Well, I started at 4th grade ...
If you're from Finland, why don't we speak finnish?
oow, pitty that maria isn't coming :< BUT I'M COMING HAHA >8D
HAHA, true X3
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