Marri left. :( I had so much fun with her!
So much! She's kinda stupid, like me, so she's just perfect to hang out with! She also gave me the cutest birthday card and present(s)! I don't have pictures of them right now, maybe someday though. I bought a hoodie and found the cutest tutu ever and the coolest necklace ever. I just have to buy them. And I have actually 15 euros atm! I'm rich! Hahah. I love taking pictures of clouds and lights. As you can see.

Now I have to get used to this boredom again. At the moment I'm not bored though, but in 10-15 minutes I bet I will be. Or maybe not, I'm bleaching my jeans! They looked a bit purple when I checked them last time, but hope they won't stay like that ...
I have some pictures of my clothes I had on this weekend. Here are my clothes from Friday.
The big hoodie, kinda old, the scarf, kinda old, or well, everything's kinda old.And here's what I wore Saturday!
The blouse, H&M, the belt, H&M, the necklace and the bracelet, Marri♥,
the skirt, H&M. Hmm ... Almost everything's from H&M? Hehe. Bye. :D
Super cute! Love the outfits!
thank you! :]
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