I have fallen in love today! With a band called VETO. A Danish alternative / rock / electronica band. Check their myspace,
here. And do you wanna know the best part in this? They are coming to the Finnish festival Provinssirock, and by accident, I'm going there too! So, guess what! I'm gonna be partying my ass off with these guys in summer. Woohoo! Provinssirock is gonna be so awesome. As always.
School wasn't so bad as I thought it would be. It was a lazy day, we had a substitute teacher in two subjects, maths and phys ed, and obviously there were lots of talking and nobody was doing the stuff the substitute told us to do. And the high heels weren't so bad, it just hurted like a motherfucker ... But well, I kinda knew that they were gonna be painful. Hah.
After school I tried my new clothes! (Which I bought from the flea market yesterday) They were niiice. Took photos too! They suck, but I'll put a couple here.

The jacket and the bag, Second-hand, the dress and the hat, Seppälä and the shoes, Anttila.I just adore the bag! And it cost me only a couple of euros. I have been looking for a bag like that and well, now I have one! And I love that fabric that's on the bag, you can see it a bit on the photos. It has the same pattern as the jacket, but the colours are a bit different. And those are the shoes I wore today. You can't really see them from these pics, though. I think they're nice, simple but nice! Oh cool, my parents went skiing so this means: pump up the volume! Parteeh. I just love listening music loudly ... But I think my ears don't love it so much. My hearing is getting worse day after day. Now I just have to enjoy my last pieces of good hearing and listen to music loudly! Sounds like a good plan. ;D
Damn I love this song, Wham! -
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. It's genius! And you just have to love those guys' tans!
♥: Jassie