AND, YOU KNOW WHAT? There's only two schoolmornings left before the summer vacation! It's amazing, I can't wait to get away from that school and start a new life in a new school with maybe new friends. And I can't wait to do everything I want for the next two months. And then, in five days, we'll go to Strasbourg. There's this one day lasting Euroscola thing (anyone going there?) and there will be young people all around europe talking about politics and stuff. I'm not really that much into politics, but I'm going there just for the experience! And I have never ever before visited France. Shame that we're not going to Paris, though. :[

The cardigan, Gina Tricot, the jeans, Only, the shoes,
These are the jeans I ripped today. I got inspired by the new jeans that they have in now (these) and since I couldn't get the asos-ones, I looked through all my jeans that I haven't worn in ages and found these! I really like them and I think I'm definately going to wear them ... What do you think?
Do you know what really pisses me off? My camera is at the repair shop, again! I can't believe this ... I hadn't tried to zoom with the objective at all after it came from the repair shop, and once I tried, TA-DAH: it didn't zoom. Oh geez. Why can't the repair man just do his job properly and fix my stuff? Now, of course, it will be at the repair shop (at least) for a month, and I won't get it in Strasbourg! Which means, I won't get any photos there! There's no way I could accept that, maybe I'll just go get the camera and leave the objective and take one of my not-so-good objectives to Strasbourg. Irritating ...
Now I'll go to watch C.S.I New York. Byee! ♥
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