May 05, 2009

I have already 2000+ hits! Thank you for those :-] Keep coming back! I promise not to make this a boring blog about boring stuff written by a boring human being. Except for the last promise I can't keep, because I'm extremely boring. You just have to live with that. Haha, moving on.

I just watched Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging again, and loved it just as much as the first time! It gets me every time haha. It's not even that good (well it is), but it has that something I like in a movie! And the soundtrack's just awesome, these all songs are amaaazing. Today I have also discovered something new (well, new and new ... I have known this actually for a long time). I don't have a life! I just sit home and watch some crappy movies about having a life and hanging out with friends and boys! I hate it, haha. But still, I do nothing about it. Just keep on sitting here. I have also thought about making an anonymous blog, where I'd write some other stuff I don't want everyone to read and by everyone I mean the people I know. Because it's kinda embarassing. I'll get to that later.

And I have thought, I mean, I have decided that I will not eat candy anymore! How marvellous is that!

I have taken already a one full film (what is it called?) of photos with my lomo (that I bought from Sweden. IT'S PINK)! I love it. It has the fisheye too! :-3 I want to have those photos already. Mum said, she could go to develop them tomorrow. Then I have to get them to my computer somehow, and thennnn I'll show them to you! Niceee.

Now I'll watch Gossip Girl and fall even deeper with this no-life stuff.

EDIT// AND 18 FOLLOWERS! Earlier today I had only 16! Where did you all come from? Well, welcome. ♥


carocream said...

I wanna see the photographs!

Anonymous said...

oot sulonen. laita siis kuvia enemmän itsestäsi.

jassie said...

carocream, i'll put them here when i get them to my computer haha! it will take some time ...
anonymous, nuu kiiitos. eiköhän niitä tuu juu ainaki joskus!