But instead I'm here! So. That was elementary school then! At fall I'll be in college! Exciting.
Next tuesday I'll be in Strasbourg, France! That's exciting. I can't wait to get to that plane, I love flying! And then, if here's anyone local reading this, could you tell me which is the best place to shop in the centre of Strasbourg? :D Because we have a one free day and you do maybe know what I am going to do then. Here are some photos to put you and me in the right Strasbourg-feeling.
I'm starting my summer with The Beatles and Penny Lane.
May 30, 2009
May 29, 2009

Our (ex-)school! I think I'm gonna miss it, it's such a pretty place though.

He he.

Haha, this is (from L-R) my friends Marika, who's sleeping, my best friend: me,
Tarina, behind the camera and of course Milla's head and sunglasses.

My friend Annika, who's been my friend from the second grade, my hat, and me!

Umm ... We don't normally dress like that,
we were supposed to look like we were going to the beach. :D
And my shoes are looking not-good.

The only reason I uploaded this is that I'm very sad because
this could've been an amazing picture IF i would have not looked so stupid.
I'm almost done with elementary school! Can you believe it! Or well, actually I'm done with it already, tomorrow we'll have to go to school too, but only to get our diplomas (I don't know is that the right word, but you know). It's amazing really ... Or actually I don't feel any different than usually, but I bet I will, at least tomorrow. I first thought that I wouldn't miss my classmates or the school so much, but now I think I will. Because there is a chance that I will see some of them next time in our classmeeting in five years! And that's a pretty long time ... I could be living in England by then! I'm anxious to know what school will I start in at fall.
I'm so tired. I'm relieved that I will have a vacation.
May 27, 2009
I have been very interested in all this DIY stuff lately. I have ripped my two jeans and I'm planning to do something nice to my black hoodie, you'll (maybe) see pictures later.
AND, YOU KNOW WHAT? There's only two schoolmornings left before the summer vacation! It's amazing, I can't wait to get away from that school and start a new life in a new school with maybe new friends. And I can't wait to do everything I want for the next two months. And then, in five days, we'll go to Strasbourg. There's this one day lasting Euroscola thing (anyone going there?) and there will be young people all around europe talking about politics and stuff. I'm not really that much into politics, but I'm going there just for the experience! And I have never ever before visited France. Shame that we're not going to Paris, though. :[

The cardigan, Gina Tricot, the jeans, Only, the shoes, Nelly.com.
These are the jeans I ripped today. I got inspired by the new jeans that they have in asos.com now (these) and since I couldn't get the asos-ones, I looked through all my jeans that I haven't worn in ages and found these! I really like them and I think I'm definately going to wear them ... What do you think?
Do you know what really pisses me off? My camera is at the repair shop, again! I can't believe this ... I hadn't tried to zoom with the objective at all after it came from the repair shop, and once I tried, TA-DAH: it didn't zoom. Oh geez. Why can't the repair man just do his job properly and fix my stuff? Now, of course, it will be at the repair shop (at least) for a month, and I won't get it in Strasbourg! Which means, I won't get any photos there! There's no way I could accept that, maybe I'll just go get the camera and leave the objective and take one of my not-so-good objectives to Strasbourg. Irritating ...
Now I'll go to watch C.S.I New York. Byee! ♥
AND, YOU KNOW WHAT? There's only two schoolmornings left before the summer vacation! It's amazing, I can't wait to get away from that school and start a new life in a new school with maybe new friends. And I can't wait to do everything I want for the next two months. And then, in five days, we'll go to Strasbourg. There's this one day lasting Euroscola thing (anyone going there?) and there will be young people all around europe talking about politics and stuff. I'm not really that much into politics, but I'm going there just for the experience! And I have never ever before visited France. Shame that we're not going to Paris, though. :[

The cardigan, Gina Tricot, the jeans, Only, the shoes, Nelly.com.
These are the jeans I ripped today. I got inspired by the new jeans that they have in asos.com now (these) and since I couldn't get the asos-ones, I looked through all my jeans that I haven't worn in ages and found these! I really like them and I think I'm definately going to wear them ... What do you think?
Do you know what really pisses me off? My camera is at the repair shop, again! I can't believe this ... I hadn't tried to zoom with the objective at all after it came from the repair shop, and once I tried, TA-DAH: it didn't zoom. Oh geez. Why can't the repair man just do his job properly and fix my stuff? Now, of course, it will be at the repair shop (at least) for a month, and I won't get it in Strasbourg! Which means, I won't get any photos there! There's no way I could accept that, maybe I'll just go get the camera and leave the objective and take one of my not-so-good objectives to Strasbourg. Irritating ...
Now I'll go to watch C.S.I New York. Byee! ♥
May 26, 2009
Need To Have
I'm dying to have these! Or some of them ... I think they'd look rad. Especially the first and the last. Maybe I'll visit the Leatherheaven in Tampere, haha, it's a pretty scary shop though.
Today in school we had this crossgender day you know? Boys dress as girls and girls dress as boys. Haha, I can honestly say, it was very much fun. Especially when you looked at all the boys dressed in tops, mini skirts and leggings.
I found a real bargain from Ellos, these shoes, only for 15€! I'm going to buy them, yay.

P.S. I have changed this site a bit, and you can also follow this blog with Bloglovin'! You can find the link also from the right side of this site.
May 23, 2009
I Can See Your Halo Halo Halo
That song is stuck in my head. But luckily it's that song, sometimes a lot more irritating songs get stuck in my head ...
We visited some second hand shops today! Actually only one second hand shop ... We were supposed to go to three different ones, but we couldn't find the first one and the second one turned out to be somekinda second hand car shop haha. So we just visited the third one. I found awesome things! I have started to love all these second hand shops in Tampere, you can find so many lovely things if you just know where to search!
We visited some second hand shops today! Actually only one second hand shop ... We were supposed to go to three different ones, but we couldn't find the first one and the second one turned out to be somekinda second hand car shop haha. So we just visited the third one. I found awesome things! I have started to love all these second hand shops in Tampere, you can find so many lovely things if you just know where to search!
May 22, 2009
The Freedom To Obey
Today has been a wonderful day! We went shopping, hehe, I bought some clothes (scroll down a little for pictures) and alsoo NME, Kerrang! and the new album from IAMX! Haven't listened it yet, but I will, in a second. I hadn't bought Kerrang! for ages, but this time the cover (Green Day...) was so tempting so I had to buy it and there was also a good article of Green Day! Yay.
Hahha, y'know what's funny? I wasn't supposed to get any clothes today but then I actually got tons of stuff ... We can't go to shops, me and my mum I mean, without buying anything! We always find something that we just need to have. And it's a good thing, I think. Especially when the money we spend is not my money ... I'm a lovely daughter.

Click and see what happens.
The black shirt, is not new, JC, the skirt, is new, Lindex,
the bag, is new too, my godparent bought it, and the shoes,
flea market, originally, Ellos.

Click and see what happens.
The hat, KappAhl, the cardi, H&M, the belt, Vero Moda,
the glasses, Lindex, the shoes, somekinda fashion outlet in Tampere,
originally, nelly.com.
And, since I got my objective back, I have taken photos! Yesterday evening it rained a little, and the sun was shining at the same time, and it was beautiful.
Hahha, y'know what's funny? I wasn't supposed to get any clothes today but then I actually got tons of stuff ... We can't go to shops, me and my mum I mean, without buying anything! We always find something that we just need to have. And it's a good thing, I think. Especially when the money we spend is not my money ... I'm a lovely daughter.

Click and see what happens.
The black shirt, is not new, JC, the skirt, is new, Lindex,
the bag, is new too, my godparent bought it, and the shoes,
flea market, originally, Ellos.

Click and see what happens.
The hat, KappAhl, the cardi, H&M, the belt, Vero Moda,
the glasses, Lindex, the shoes, somekinda fashion outlet in Tampere,
originally, nelly.com.
May 21, 2009
I Don't Write Any Nonsense Here, I'll Get Straight To The Point
Because, I have lots of photos! Taken with my pink Lomo camera, hehe. I love it.

You know the click for bigger bla bla.
I have ten more photos, but I'll put them tomorrow, or someday! >;] Yesterday I came back home and this day has been veryy boring, I've just watched Finland's Next Top Model and eaten candy. Now I think I have to go back to civilisation and go grab some coffee from ... somewhere. Bye!
P.S. The godparent I visited, bought me some clothes and a cute bag. AND, I have my objective for the Nikon back, sooo you may expect some clothingpictures this weekend.

You know the click for bigger bla bla.
I have ten more photos, but I'll put them tomorrow, or someday! >;] Yesterday I came back home and this day has been veryy boring, I've just watched Finland's Next Top Model and eaten candy. Now I think I have to go back to civilisation and go grab some coffee from ... somewhere. Bye!
P.S. The godparent I visited, bought me some clothes and a cute bag. AND, I have my objective for the Nikon back, sooo you may expect some clothingpictures this weekend.
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