Hahah I look like I'm in a band.

Patricia herself! With my hoodie. >:3

Photos of me by Patricia.
Patricia (the stripper, hehe) is here! Tomorrow we'll go to Seinäjoki and have fun in the finnish festival called Provinssirock! I'll write about that later ...
Now the clock's ticking and we have to get up early tomorrow! I'm gonna know which school I'll get in ... EXCITING! Btw! Today we went to see the new Zac Efron movie, 17 Again and I loved it! Zac rocks. But, now: sleep! Byee! x
Now the clock's ticking and we have to get up early tomorrow! I'm gonna know which school I'll get in ... EXCITING! Btw! Today we went to see the new Zac Efron movie, 17 Again and I loved it! Zac rocks. But, now: sleep! Byee! x
oot niin sulonen! tiedätkö muuten mistä tuo patrician huppari on? ihan mieletön:)
aaa kiitos! se on ihan itte tuunattu ja ite huppari on sitte seppälästä :D hehe
Gina Tricotin nettikaupassa on toppi, jossa lukee Yes No Maybe :D
OHO niimpä onkin! :D hassua ..
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