Looking for something ...
The hoodie, DIY/Seppälä, the top, Gina Tricot, the shorts, DIY/Cheap Monday, the shoes and the bag, Ellos.
Yesterday's outfit. I saw my friend Laura after a long time and we hung out in the centre of the mighty Kangasala! Took photos and ate popsicles. Then we rented a movie and watched it at Laura's house. Haha, it was funny, I guess it was called White Chicks, or something? Can't remember really.
Today we went to Ideapark with my family. I bought a top, a sweater, two pairs of the most amazing shoes. I love the other pair so much! They're the shoes that I've been looking for, a pair of rad ankle boots. I have a photo!

Din Sko
Love, love and love. The other pair was cool too, maybe someday they'll be here too.
My job starts tomorrow. I'm both excited and bored. I hate that I must be there at 8 am? They think I can wake up at 6 am at summer? No way. But I just have to. That makes my excitement totally go away. I could just stay at home and sleep the whole day, hahah. Well, I'll get some money. I'll do anything (almost..) for money! And this is quite easy, still. Great. I hope the grannys will like me. Hah, yeah it's a retirement home.
I need new nail polish. Maybe dark blue.
Today we went to Ideapark with my family. I bought a top, a sweater, two pairs of the most amazing shoes. I love the other pair so much! They're the shoes that I've been looking for, a pair of rad ankle boots. I have a photo!

Din Sko
Love, love and love. The other pair was cool too, maybe someday they'll be here too.
My job starts tomorrow. I'm both excited and bored. I hate that I must be there at 8 am? They think I can wake up at 6 am at summer? No way. But I just have to. That makes my excitement totally go away. I could just stay at home and sleep the whole day, hahah. Well, I'll get some money. I'll do anything (almost..) for money! And this is quite easy, still. Great. I hope the grannys will like me. Hah, yeah it's a retirement home.
I need new nail polish. Maybe dark blue.
Toi ketjuhuppari on tosi hieno :---) Oon halunnu tollasen siitä saakka ku näin Fashiontoastissa joskus, mutta en tiiä mistä hankin tollasta ketjua plus oon muutenkin niin tumpelo etten osaa :|
joo mäkin just sieltä löysin inspiraation, haha! meet vaan jonnekin rautakauppaan! tai sitten löytyy kyl jostain jos on esimerkiks hong kong tai joku siinä lähellä, sieltä mäkin hommasin ... :DDDD mäkin luulin et ois kauhee vaikeeta mut ei se sit ollukkaa oikee!
i like your outfit !
really .
hehe i love sale. I like the way you DIY the cardigan!
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