I know I haven't been here for a while, but now I am, so everythings perfect. Hah.
I have been slightly (very) busy because of the new job. It's been good, but I hate the lenght of my days, starting at 8am and ending at 4pm, it's too much. Especially when I go to sleep at 1am and wake up at 6am ... This week, besides working, I've seen Laura quite often! It's been fun. We've been at the beach, in the city of Kangasala, just hanging out. Ha.
THEN! Yesterday, I was in the movies. Some of you might already guess which movie, well, yes of course the Harry Potter. Ha, it was so good and if I hadn't had Riina there with me (who has read the books) to explain some of the parts to me (who hasn't read the books) I wouldn't have understood it completely. Now I got the books, and I started reading! Ah-mazing.
I want to see the Sherlock Holmes movie already, which comes out in DECEMBER. Sherlock is played by Robert Downey Jr. (yum) and Watson is played by Jude Law (yum). So it has got some eye-candy there, hah, except for Jude's moustache ...
At sunday I'll see Riina again and we're gonna do some stuff and watch the Confessions Of a Shopaholic. Riina hasn't seen it!

Some outfit of some day.
The cardigan, Gina Tricot, the top, Lindex, the booties, Din Sko.
And candy.

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