- A grey poncho, from Carlings sale.
- A black dress, from Seppälä sale.
- Bikinis!, from Seppälä sale. (I promised to go to a spa with my mum...)
- Black shoes with a small heel, from some little shop which name I can't recall.
Tomorrow I'm going to Tampere (again) with my friend. I can put my new clothes on to shakedown, trial run, test run! Whatever you want to call it. So, I was in Tampere today also, shopping. But earlier today we (me & my friend) were visiting one upper secondary school in Tampere, called Messukylän lukio. It was actually a pretty nice place! Not too big, but then again, not too small. But still I prefer Sammon keskuslukio. That's so nice, new and modern place. There's space to breath! I hate schools that are like little cottages with no air condition or ADP classes.
I'm gonna watch Sex And The City: The Movie today! I just love the characters and their personalities! And the friendship between them! And the big heart of Carrie's. :] She's so sweet!
Oh, just realized: it's friday! What should I do? Read New Moon, watch movies or read New Moon? Hah, why is my life so bloody interesting? Maybe because I'm not that interesting either, so how could my life be? Yeah, that must be it.
I miss London. I wanna go there again. I wanna move there, have my own nice little apartment somewhere near the centre. Oh, how lovely would that be. I love to daydream. It's a full-time job to me. :D

♥: Jassie
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