January 24, 2009

This Is A Party Without The People

Long time, no listen; Cute Is What We Aim For. This is so good! I haven't listened it since err ... last spring. Maybe. I was looking through my CD's and then I saw it! Glad that I did.

Today we watched the movie called 'The Orphanage'. GOSH, IT WAS SCARY! But good. I guess. I was more focused on screaming when something unexpected happened. I had an almost heart attack maybe thousand times.

I have read New Moon. Oh, it was so good! I loved the part when Bella and Edward met again in Italy after that pause. My heart bursted. Haha, I don't know can you use that 'burst' word there but I don't care. :D

I can't wait this school year to end. Then the senior high school starts and maybe my lovely, lovely friend Marri (♥) will move to Tampere! I could have a friend to talk to and a shoulder to cry on! And I could just go there whenever I feel like it (I guess, haha)!

I'm so tired that my head's completely blank. My thoughts are like: "Bla, bla, bla"

Lastly, here's a picture of my poncho! Yay!


Yes, my face was horrible.

♥: Jassie


papi said...


jassie said...

pacey, well thank you! :D