Today I woke up early (about 9.00 am, it is early to me!) and looked out of the window. Sun was shining! Oh, I was so happy! I thought that 'alrigh, today we're going photographing'. So I ate breakfast and put some clothes on (nothing special, I think you're not gonna see a pic). I took my camera and went out! It was cold. I'm more sick now than before, but well who cares? I took some pictures of the nature, it's very pretty here when the sun's shining and there's a bit snow on the ground. Here are a couple of pictures. If you wanna see them bigger, just click on the pic.

The last picture is not horizontally straight on purpose, it's artistic. XD Hahahah!
I hate my camera (Nikon "Shit" D70s, wohoo). It's bit broken. Well I've broken it myself. It's not totally broken though, it does work, but well. It works crappy. I'd like to have a new one. But I'm broke and my parents don't buy me a new one, so I ain't getting anything. Damn. A polaroid camera would be a dream come true too. I could have had it as my birthday present but I chose books. Hahah, wise choise, righ? I'm starting to regret it. No, I'm not. Those books are nice too. But the camera woulda been nice too ... Whatever!
If I've understood right there's gonna be some kinda party at our house tonight. Or not a proper party, but some of my dad's friends are coming over and yeah. There's actually only one good point in that and it is: They have bought all kinds of good food! :D Woohoo. So I'm just gonna be eating their foods. *Evil laugh*
I don't have that much stuff to write about, but I'll come up with something. :D
♥: Jassie
omg snow!
kivat kuvat !!
hahaa yeah! kiittikiiittii :D:D
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