So I've been away for almost a year! That's amazing, right? This thing, blogging, just like kinda ended ... but now! I've started to miss you all (as if there'd be anyone anymore, and if there is, I missed you!) So. Because the year has gone, and I don't really know where ... feels like I'd just yesterday posted something here, I thought I'd maybe start again here or make a completely new blog. A new blog sounds kinda good because I might have changed a little during this year and I don't like all of the old posts. They're stupid. I was stupid ... No wait I still am. MISUNDERSTANDING. ha But really. A new blog, huh?
But yeah, while I think about this bloggy blog thing (feel free to share your thoughts too) I thought I'd do a thingy where I post about all the best stuff that happened in this universe and particularly my universe during the year I was gone of this blog world! So, LET'S GET CRACKING!

So, that's my year! A bunch of movies & a TV show, some travelling and a cute pokémon/animal/panda, that has no particular reason for being in the list. It was a good year indeed. Next year I'll try to do something that might actually matter.
HAh, as if.